So I have returned. Seems like I always come back in a
moment of crisis. Fortunately not a crisis of creativity but of slow
desperation with what I see around me and not knowing really how to get the
word out. It seems more than ever that the world needs clarification on the
spiritual/psychological/emotional/mental mess it has allowed a few SOB’s to
create for over two thousand years.
Picture it, before that it wasn’t like
this. Yes, there were still some serious struggles, and cruelty, yes, that’s
always been a stable of a slave race, especially a hybrid one. But we have
really stumbled in a quagmire here.
Liberals are angrier than ever, conservatives are flumoxed, LGBT’s are
being terrorized in nightclubs, weather is flooding homes in the south and
east, while fires are burning homes in the west; after Jade Helm and Info Wars,
you have more people becoming desperate about FEMA camps and NWO; rich libertarian,
freedom-loving expatriates warn their families to leave the U.S.; religious
fundamentalists from Christianity to Islam are raving over Revelation and
Sharya law, claiming our sins is what is bringing hell upon us. All these people
just need to calm down and quit the nonsense. But nothing can happen if we can’t
speak sensibly and openly about what’s really going on in this planet in its
long history of manipulation.
I am aware that my book Amarantus will not help you finish your underground bunker. It won’t
stop the weather from destroying your home. It won’t protect your hard-earned
savings, and it might not even provide the answers to religious paranoia
fundamentalists want to hear. It seems people are pretty bent on the current
narrative of self destruction. Well I’m not. I’m providing the alternative. And
maybe people are not ready for it yet; maybe this is something your
grandchildren or great-grandchildren down the road will respond to more
eagerly. But it is something the human spirit and creative collective
desperately needs: and that’s a world that can grow and evolve, instead of
destroy itself. That’s why I call Amarantus and all my related works really,
the Book of Elevation.
Enough breaking down the mind to the point of constant
panic attacks. Time to elevate the mind to a state of harmony with what truly
awaits, if we only invest our focus and creative energy into it. We are in a
mental/psychological/emotional/spiritual crisis more than anything. There is no
way out of it. The only way through it is by refocusing our energies on
building something new, rather than pointing out what’s wrong and who are the
SOB’s in control, and thus feeling futile to stop it. I have no idea how to get
the word out there about Amarantus yet, but I am confident that its message
will be vital to the health of the human collective psyche in the years to